21 août 2009

How to Cut Out Hair in Photoshop

How to Cut Out Hair in Photoshop: "

Author Name: Stephen Kui

Post Category: Tips for Graphic Designers

Anyone who’s ever tried rendering hair knows it’s a hassle. However, it’s much easier than most people know, because Photoshop comes enclosed with an algorithm that makes it all easy. Here’s how to perfectly render hair.

We’ll start with this image. As you can see, the hair is very intricate, and would be near-impossible to render with an eraser or the pen tool.


First, what we need to do is make a copy of our stock, so that we don’t have to re-download it if we make a mistake. Highlight the layer and right click, selecting duplicate layer (or press control+j).

Now, go to the menu and hit filter -> extract. This will take us to an extraction window. The key is to highlight as little besides the edges of the image as possible. So try to erase too much in or too much out. This will make the algorithm select the hair better. Then use the paintbucket tool and fill in the inside of your render.


But before you press okay, press preview, and it’ll come up with a preview of what you’ve just cut out. Here’s what you’ll see with this image, but don’t worry about the missing cheek or the slight outcrop of brown by the nose.


The next step is to quickly take a small soft brush, and erase the parts that shouldn’t be there.

Once that’s done, go back to your original stock layer, make it visible, and use the pen tool to select parts of his face that are missing. The pen tool works here because there isn’t any hair to cut out. Right click in the image and choose “Make Selection.”


Now press control+j to make a copy of that section of the layer, and drag it above your main render layer. Voila, the cheek is back! We will then repeat that with the eye layer.


And here’s what we get at the end! We can also change it up with a new background to see how nicely cut the hair is.



Want the PSD source file or need more help? Visit http://stephenkui.com and Subscribe to the RSS Feed to get the download!

The original stock was from =DanHeffer-Stock on Deviant Art.

6 Essential tools to check your website Usability


5 Different Tutorials Of Creating Dynamic CSS Round Corners Link Buttons


How to Cut Out Images Like a Professional in Photoshop


The 7 Software Development Wastes - Part 5


Previous posts on software development wastes can be found here: In-Process Inventory/Partially done work , Over Production/Extra Features , Extra Processing and Transportation

I must apologize to you all for the lag in this series. But being August, I was away on vacation. Interestingly, getting back is hard. You have to get back into the swing of things again to get up to maximum productivity. There's quite a bit of re-acquainting and relearning so there's waste for sure. However, I do feel I have more energy now since I am back so perhaps the waste is negated over time.

Motion - Task Switching

Waste #5 in manufacturing is defined as Motion. And motion can be compared to "task switching" in Software Development - as defined by the thought leaders applying Lean thinking to software development.

Task switching can be a big time waster. Studies have shown that if you're working on anything beyond two seperate and distinct tasks, your efficiency goes down drastically the more tasks you take on. The reason is quite obvious; working on software development tasks takes a lot of thought processing and task switching requires that your mind switch contexts all the time. Each time that you switch contexts, there's relearning and re-acquainting that needs to take place.

Additionally, if you are working on multiple tasks simultaneously, it's going to take you longer to complete the first and each successive tasks. If you storm the first task and get that out, you are delivering value to the customer much sooner.

It's important to be mindful of this. I have found in many organizations, especially software companies where there is a real casual atmosphere, it's easy to always interrupt developers. Interruptions are prevalent with requests. All this interruption only serves to add to the Motion bucket of waste. This is where the importance of a Product Owner, ScrumMaster and Backlog come in. These roles and any artifact are there to buffer the development teams from the noise and chaos outside of the current sprint activities.

If you're a good tough ScrumMaster, you'll see to it that priorities are all driven through the backlog and the Scrum process and that your teams are left to focus on distinct activities for maximum throughput and reduced overall cycle time in development.

Next week I will cover the 5th waste in the series - Waiting.

Written by Jack Milunksy - COO at Brightspark, certified ScrumMaster and Co-founder of Agilebuddy (Agile project management software that lets you easily Create, Estimate, Plan and Track your software development projects). For great Agile tips follow Jack at: www.twitter.com/agilebuddy. To get more info on Agilebuddy please visit: www.agilebuddy.com

45+ Really Essential Free HTML [Form] Enhancements


The role of the business analyst in Scrum

Lisez l'article complet ici.

20 août 2009

Mega CSS Resource Roundup


7 Awesome Resources to Test Cross Browser Compatibility of Your Website


Agile Epic Board – Epic Card Template


Les frais cachés de PayPal sèment la controverse

PayPal_frais_cachés_transfert_argent.jpgSans en avoir averti qui que ce soit au préalable, PayPal rajoute de nouveaux frais à toutes les transactions depuis le mois de juin. Presque la totalité des clients utilisant ce service de paiement en ligne est concernée.

Les frais en question sont restés dissimulés depuis près de deux mois parce que PayPal les a tout simplement combinés à son service de transfert d'argent («send money»), dans le cadre d'une mise à jour générale survenue en juin. À ce moment, le directeur du marketing de PayPal, Heinz Waelchli, avait annoncé dans son blogue que dorénavant, les détenteurs de comptes bancaires «Premium» et d'entreprises pourraient accomplir gratuitement des transactions personnelles depuis ces comptes.

Ce faisant, PayPal a néanmoins omis d'informer ses clients que des frais de 3 cents et de 2,9% du montant de la transaction seraient facturés à toutes les transactions concernant les marchandises ou les services. Les frais se rajoutent donc automatiquement, sans tenir compte de la provenance ou à la destination de l'argent. Ces frais s'appliquent maintenant aux transactions d'un compte personnel et à toute demande de paiement, même si elle ne concerne pas les services ou les marchandises.

Avant d'être modifié, le système de PayPal facturait les frais en fonction du type de compte bancaire utilisé par les personnes envoyant et recevant l'argent de la transaction. Si le client détenait un compte «Premium» ou d'entreprise, des frais de 30 cents ajoutés à 2,9% du montant de la transaction lui étaient chargés.

Ces frais se faisaient systématiquement appliquer à toutes les transactions effectuées à l'aide d'une carte de débit ou de crédit. Les transactions accomplies directement d'un compte bancaire personnel étaient gratuites.

(Sources: Ars Technica et Slashdot)

par Aude Boivin Filion

3GS Capable Of HD Video Playback?

3GS Capable Of HD Video Playback?: "

Acording to a forum post on Chinese site WeiPhone, the iPhone 3GS is capable of playing both 720p and 1080p video encoded in H.264 via a built-in video player. Since the 3GS won't normally play 1080p, this leads us to believe that it can and has simply been disabled by Apple to preserve battery life or make it more similar to previous iPhones.

Picasa Web Albums Adds Collaboration [Photos]

Picasa Web Albums Adds Collaboration [Photos]: "

Picasa Web Albums—the internet-facing component of the popular desktop photo management application—has added a new feature that lets you collaborate on albums with your friends.

Collaborating on an album is easy:

To make an album collaborative, sign in to Picasa Web Albums and add contributors. Just click the 'Share' button, add contributors, and leave the 'Let people I share with contribute photos' checkbox selected

You can also manage access for contributors you've added to the 'Shared with' list by toggling the 'plus' icon next to their name — when the plus icon is green they can add photos.

To contribute once you've been invited to collaborate on an album, just log into Picasa Web Albums with your Google account and visit the album you've been invited to join. You'll see an Add photos button you can hit to upload your own pics to the album.

It seems like a nice little feature, and definitely something we'd like to see from more photo sharing apps (we're looking at you, Flickr).

Import Messages and Contacts from Old Accounts to Gmail

Import Messages and Contacts from Old Accounts to Gmail: "In May, Gmail launched a feature that lets you import messages and contacts from other mail services like Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL. Google promised that the feature will be rolled out to all accounts, but it was only enabled in new accounts. The good news is that the feature is now available in all accounts and you can find it if you go to the 'Accounts and import' tab from the settings page.

You may wonder if it's a good idea to use this service powered by TrueSwitch instead of Gmail's mail fetcher. Here are some differences between the two service:

* Mail importing saves to your Gmail account the existing messages from other accounts and continues to check for new messages only for 30 days. Gmail's mail fetcher downloads the existing messages and checks for new messages indefinitely.

* Mail importing saves to your account messages and contacts, while Gmail's mail fetcher doesn't import contacts (you can manually import contacts).

* Mail importing works for mail services that don't support POP3 (for example: the US version of Yahoo Mail), but the mail fetcher requires POP3. Mail importing supports a small number of popular mail services.

'Copying mail over usually takes a couple days, occasionally up to a week — but eventually it all arrives. And once it's done, you can forget your old account and enjoy having everything in one place,' says Google, but I disagree. You'll import the old messages to your account, but after 30 days the service will no longer fetch new messages.

Ti-Agile Mobile

Bonjour chers lecteurs,

Votre blog préféré est maintenant optimisé pour être lu sur les appareils mobiles grâce au site Mobify.me

Rendez-vous à http://ti-agile.mobify.me pour me lire sur la route! ;)

Swebapps: Create iPhone apps the easy and cheap way

Une start-up qui propose de bâtir vos applis iPhone rapidement et pas cher


19 août 2009

How to crack a WiFi network's WEP password with Backtrack


Just because you can doesn't mean you should, of course!

Yahoo Calendar Now Syncs with Your iPhone [IPhone]

Pour ceux qui utilisent Yahoo (??!!?? ;-)

Yahoo Calendar Now Syncs with Your iPhone [IPhone]: "

For iPhone users who prefer Yahoo over Google for handling their online data, the Yahoo Mail blog runs down how to sync Yahoo Calendar with your iPhone.

To get started, there's no download necessary—just follow these simple steps on your iPhone and you're ready to go. There's no need to jailbreak your phone or do anything else that may be shady or complicated. Once you're all set up, you can share calendars with other people, too.

The Mail blog points out some things you should know before you jump in:

Before you get started, there are just a couple of pre-requisites to set up your calendar to sync. First, you have to be running the latest iPhone software (3.0 or higher). Second, by syncing with your iPhone, we will switch you over to the all new Yahoo! Calendar 2.0 (Beta).

If you've tried out the Yahoo/iPhone syncing, let us know what you think of it in the comments. If you prefer Google Calendar, the folks at Google have been supporting contact and calendar sync to your mobile device since February.

Agile Project Management is Like Teenage Sex

Agile is like Teen Sex because:

  • Everyone wants to do it
  • Many say they’re doing it
  • You always exaggerate how much of it you’re doing
  • Most people aren’t actually doing it (despite their best efforts)
  • Everybody else seems to be doing more than you
  • You get a kick out of telling your friends how they can do it better
  • You spend a lot of time thinking about it
  • Your first time never quite goes to plan
  • You can’t wait until you experience the real deal
  • Very few of you/your friends are doing it correctly
  • You do everything you can to please your Product Owner
  • It takes you a while before you find your velocity
  • You always make sure to hold a retrospective afterwards
  • Everyone says they’ll ‘do it better next time’
  • Your start getting a bad reputation when you spend too much time ‘Doing it’ (See: Doing Agile is a Sign of Incompetence)

Advantages of Agile Software Development for Testers

Advantages of Agile Software Development for Testers: "Advantages of agile software development for testers.This is a guest blog post from Ray Claridge, who writes a really interesting blog about agile testing caled Tester Troubles.

Over to Ray...

Moving into agile software development can be a daunting experience for any tester, and crawling the Internet for crumbs of comfort does little to ease the anxiety.

I remember how I felt on my first day, going into a mammoth planning meeting and participating in a sizing session with what appeared to be poker cards. When asked why I'd held up a 5, I really didn't know what to say. Talk about a fish out of water!

Like most testers, I gained experience and qualifications over many years whilst practicing the V-Model approach to development. I'm not saying it was easy, but it was pretty straight-forward. Give me a spec, I'll review it, create a test plan, devise tests against it and months later finally test against it. Whereas in agile, there's no big spec, the software functionality evolves during development and testing is required before it's finished!

However, once I got my head around the changes I soon realised the advantages of working in an agile environment:

• Agile re-ignited my passion for testing.
• I spent less time complaining about being the last to know when there's a requirement change.
• For the first time I felt like a valued member of the team.
• Developers looked upon me as one of their own, instead of the nasty tester in the corner.
• I was being engaged and used for my creativity, skill and critical thinking.
• Tried and tested test techniques still applied.
• User stories are just like bite size specifications, only easier to digest.
• The business were more engaged with the process.
• I was more engaged with the business.
• The business was happier with the process.
• The business were ending up with software that meets their needs at that moment in time, not the software they thought they wanted 6 months ago.
• I was helping to shape the requirements.
• I lost a huge amount of negativity and became more positive, motivated and accommodating tester.
• I spent far less time sitting around waiting for code to be delivered.
• I no longer waited days, sometimes weeks for defects to be fixed.
• I felt I was adding real value.

Now I know there are some testers and managers out there who will disagree with agile and will never accept it as a development process. Some have even considered a career change to avoid it. I'm not saying agile is perfect and like all methodologies it's not without it's faults, but for me it's been a breath of fresh air.

My advice to any tester about to embark into the world of agile would be: keep an open mind, be flexible, accept the tester's role IS changing and remember, agile is here to stay. Don't fight it, embrace it!


Ray Claridge is an experienced tester with ISEB qualifications and experience in both agile and waterfall environments, and author of the popular blog, Tester Troubles.

18 août 2009

Layar Augmented Reality Browser Available In Canada; iPhone 3GS Is Next!!

Layar Augmented Reality Browser Available In Canada; iPhone 3GS Is Next!!: "

Layar has announced that their second generation Reality browser is now available world wide on Android devices.

For those that do not know what Layar is, Layar uses the camera on your device to display real time digital information over top of what you see through the camera lens. In other words, on top of the camera screen that you are looking at is a layer of 3D location-based content that is completely interactive.

So for example, using your device camera, Layar can show you popular locations such as restaurants, stores, local city information and many other results all through a 3D layer overlaid on your live camera screen.

Currently Layar has support from numerous third-party developers including Flickr, Yelp, Google and Twitter with more coming in the near future.

Well, for the iPhone faith this does not really mean much right away because right now it is an Android-only thing, but Layar does have a future on our beloved device.

Aside from augmented reality apps being available with iPhone firmware 3.1, Layar CTO Dirk Groten has been quoted saying:

The next platform on which Layar will be available is the iPhone 3GS. We are currently investigating other platforms that support our functionalities.

w00t w00t!! iPhone 3GS FTW! Sadly, there seems be no support for iPhone 2G or iPhone 3G users (another reason to upgrade to the 3GS?)


Je viens de tomber sur ce site qui me plait beaucoup: AppShopper.com

Il permet de se creer une wishlist, de surveiller les prix des applications, de creer sa liste personnelle d'applications, et de la partager par un feed RSS public.

Si ca vous interesse, voici mon fil RSS: http://test.appshopper.com/feed/user/mrieussec/myapps

Je vous invite a vous y inscrire et d'inscrire vos listes dans un commentaire a ce blog afin de partager vos belles trouvailles.

IE (Trident)+Firefox (Gecko)+Chrome.Safari (Webkit)=Lunascape, The World’s Only Triple Engine Browser

IE (Trident)+Firefox (Gecko)+Chrome.Safari (Webkit)=Lunascape, The World’s Only Triple Engine Browser: "

You spend most of your time in front of the computer doing internet, but may not have thought about what a browser can do and which browser is right for you. In reality, each browser is different in its own way. Lunascape is the world’s only triple engine browser. What this means is that you can have the best features, performance, and speed of Windows Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari all in one browser and can view any website in an optimal way without a need to open another browser and you know that using Lunascape is 100% free.


It’s standard set-up is highly multi-functional without installing a lot of add-ons and plug-ins. This browser has several highly effective tools for anyone working with web developing, especially in our bookmarklets. Although it is possible to add many features to other browsers through add-ons and plug-ins, many browsers tend to become slow and unstable as the number of these increase, because the add-ons and plug-ins search for updates every time the program is started. With Lunascape, all the features you need come standard, so start up is lightning fast. You can try to download here.

Lunascape certainly offers Mouse Gestures! You can set the functions you want for mouse movement while right clicking. Many people choose to make a movement to the left go “back”, a movement to the right go “forward”, and so forth. Once you have experienced the convenience of these mouse gestures, you will never be able to surf the web without them again.One of the biggest problems while browsing is crashing (when the browser is forced to automatically close). Lunascape comes equipped with crash prevention features. Only the problematic tab will be closed, preventing the crash of the browser itself in most situations. However, in the event that a crash does occur, Lunascape allows you to restart the program at the same pages you were viewing immediately before the crash.

A “bookmarklet” function that you can use to check a site’s source code without an HTML Editor comes standard. In the “Web Development” menu below, features such as “Style Test”, “Style Sheet Display” and “List of image without Alt Text” are also installed standard.

Lunascape bookmarklet

This feature allows you to set information you have registered in your favorites, RSS feeds, and tickers to be displayed as a pop up in the lower right hand corner of your screen (or elsewhere). These pop-ups will be displayed even if the browser is housed in the task tray so you won’t miss a thing.

With Lunascape, you can display up to 100 tabs and have very precise control over all of them. You also get highly convenient tab functions such as the ability to change rendering engines between tabs and make settings such as “View banking websites with Trident, and G-mail with Gecko”. When it comes to “fast” browsing, browser launch speed is also an important factor. Lunascape has been keen on improving this speed aspect as well.

Lunascape speed

Lunascape provides a useful tool for your Internet search. Enter words in the Search Bar, select the search engine you want to use in a pull-down list and get your results without type any URL. You can also add your own favorite search engine easily if it is not already listed.

Top 5 Web Operating Systems

Top 5 Web Operating Systems

Wikimedia Foundation Releases Official Wikipedia App, Wikipedia Mobile

Wikimedia Foundation Releases Official Wikipedia App, Wikipedia Mobile: "


Wikimedia Foundation has released their official iPhone and iPod touch app to access Wikipedia, and it is aptly titled Wikepedia Mobile.

wikipediamobile_screenWikipedia Mobile’s code is 100 percent open source and community built, so if you are an intelligent programmer who is good at JS/HTML5, feel free to lend them a hand. The app in its current state is meant to be “very simple and very fast,” which is all fine and dandy, but it’s at the expense of features.

Wikipedia Mobile simply features search, forward and back, home, refresh, and history. That’s a far cry from all of the features contained within other free and paid Wikipedia apps in the App Store. As time goes by, hopefully the community will add more and more user-requested features to make this app the best it can be.

Wikipedia Mobile is available in the App Store for free.

BlackBerry App World now available online

Check it out here at http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore

Is the Ikea pencil going the way of the Dodo?

Is the Ikea pencil going the way of the Dodo?: "Well, I've not jumped onto the iPhone bandwagon but iPhone apps have jumped into Ikea. Two app developers wrote me about their Ikea shopping apps which are great for replacing the Ikea pencil and shopping list. Personally I love scribbling with that stubby pencil. It's part of Ikea experience. Heh.


The first is from Danilo who claims to be a big nerd who programs for the iPhone and loves Ikea. You can guess where this is going.

Danilo tells me, 'The golf pencil and shopping list they hand out at Ikea don't cut it for me. I built an app called SwedeShop that keeps track of your Ikea shopping list for you. Here are some screenshots:

Tap out the item name, set a price and dial in the aisle and bin. And you're done. Optionally, you can set other attributes, like notes, priority or an item image. SwedeShop minds your budget for you and vibrates if you go over. It supports all international formatting and has been localized into English as well as Swedish for good measure.

And that's about it.

SwedeShop launches on Tuesday. It'll be free for one day and cost $0.99 thereafter.'

See more of the SwedeShop.


The other is from Jonathan, called the iShopFlat. Jonathan says, 'Living in Sweden I see a lot of Ikea stuff. Now I did something I thought was funny and good for the environment. We did a small app to replace the shopping list at Ikea. It's called iShopFlat and is available on the iPhone AppStore.

Basically it mimics the list you find at the entrance of the Ikea store but also lets you check the price of your items as you go along.'

It also goes for $0.99. See more the iShopFlat.

Supercharge Google Reader with Send To Links


Mobile Phones - The Next Frontier - VMWare


Agile Estimation and the Cone of Uncertainty


I feel a draft in here

To be or not to be?


There is a difference between "doing Agile" and "being Agile"

Subscribe to 75+ Awesome Design Blogs in 2 minutes with this file via your RSS Reader


Java Memory Problems


JavaScript MVC


17 août 2009

TomTom released in US App Store this morning and selling for $99

TomTom released in US App Store this morning and selling for $99: "A day after the TomTom navigation software saw an overseas roll out, the iPhone application hit North America and Europe and is now available for download in the App Store.

Maps for the U.S. and Canada ($99.99), Western Europe ($139.99), Australia ($79.99), and New Zealand ($94.99) are available in the U.S. In Europe, maps of the [...]"

45,000 Slightly Different Ways to Optimize Mobile Websites


Scrum Checklist - version 2.0


Agile Retrospectives – Making Good Teams Great


Turn Your Car's Cup Holder Into a Laptop Stand [DIY]

Turn Your Car's Cup Holder Into a Laptop Stand [DIY]: "

Need to use your laptop in your car? Don't purchase a pricey laptop stand for the passenger seat or shell out for a dashboard mount. With some creative DIY-action you can turn your cup holder into a laptop stand.

Mike Davis needed a way to use his laptop in his truck and have a nice stationary platform to put it on. Unfortunately commercial models ran upwards of $300. After scoping out the cab of his truck and doing some brainstorming he realized he could build his own stand and use the center console cup holder as a base.

With $30 worth of parts—mostly PVC pipes, fittings, and a sheet of plywood—and a single afternoon of work he had a laptop stand for his truck that holds his laptop so well it doesn't budge even when swinging the truck around corners.

Check out the full build guide below to see step-by-step photos and additional information. Have a unique in-car DIY hack like Mike's laptop stand? Let's hear about it in the comments.

GPush Back In App Store, Get Push Notifications For New Gmail Messages

GPush Back In App Store, Get Push Notifications For New Gmail Messages: "


GPush is a long-awaited and relatively simple app that is able to send you push notifications for new Gmail messages. The app made a very short appearance in the App Store on August 8th, but had to be pulled due to server issues. The fix took much longer than expected, but thankfully the app is now back in the App Store.

Unlike PushMail, another app that is able to push new Gmail messages, GPush doesn’t forward your messages to another account, so there won’t be any concerns over stolen messages. GPush uses IMAP IDLE, which is a technology that allows a mail client to tell the server that it is ready to accept real-time notifications. With GPush installed on your iPhone, you won’t have to open up your Mail app just to see if you have a new message waiting for you.

GPush is extremely easy to use. Simply open the app and enter your Gmail username and password. GPush uses SSL Security Certificate, so you can be sure your information is secure. Once you have entered your information, you can customize the notifications to your liking. GPush is able to notify you of new messages via sounds, badges, and alerts. The push notification will display who the message is from along with the subject of the email. If the message seems important enough, open up your Mail app, and if not, just wait for the next notification to appear.

GPush is now available in the App Store for only $.99.