29 août 2009
De la nouveaute sur Ti Agile!
Comme vous avez peut-etre pu le constater, de la nouveaute sur le blog de Ti-Agile!
- Un nouveau style
- Un nouveau logo
- Une page sur Facebook
28 août 2009
GScreen's Dual-Screen Spacebook Coming Soon(ish)

The Alaska based company, started by Gordon Stewart (yep, that is where the G in gScreen comes from), is aiming its dual screen laptops at professional designers, filmmakers, photographers and really anyone who can't live without a dual screen for everyday productivity. They have also been in talks with the military. The chassis (which we expect is at least 12 pounds) is built around the 15.4 inch screen (though the first units that come to market will have 16-inch or 17-inch screens) and its twin, identically sized screen slides out from behind the first using a uniquely designed sliding mechanism.
"We designed this knowing that many may not need the extra screen at all times," Gordon told me. But when you do use both screens you'll get about 30-inches of screen space. GScreen plans to release dual 13-inch models at some point.
Gordon plans to have the first Spacebooks being sold through Amazon.com by December of this year. Currently they are making tweaks to the power source (as you can see from one of the images) and to the screen slider.
They will run Windows 7 and be powered by Intel Core 2 Duo processors (we would love to see some mobile Core i7 love here), 4GB of RAM and high-end Nvidia GF900M GT discrete graphics. The plan is for fast 7,200 RPM hard drives and six or nine-cell batteries. It will also have a DVD player so you can watch a flick on one screen and refresh Giz on the other. "It is absolutely the opposite of a netbook," he told us. Yea that is no kidding with a price tag that he is hoping to keep under $3,000.
Now we are skeptical about them meeting their end of the year production date considering this model's power cord looks like more than a work in progress, but seeing as Santa is close by to gScreen's Alaska headquarters we don't see why he can't just drop off some dual screen craziness in time for Christmas.
From http://gizmodo.com/5346996/gscreens-dual+screen-spacebook-coming-soonish
Easter Egg In Yelp Application Activates Augmented Reality (3GS Only)

“Download the new Yelp app. So you shake your iPhone 3 times. That activates a feature called Monocle. A message should come up if you activated it. A blue box will come up saying “the Monocle has been activated.” It will create a button in the top right corner. Now you should be able to look at the bars, restaurants, etc. Only works on iPhone 3GS.”

From http://iphonefreakz.com/2009/08/28/easter-egg-in-yelp-application-activates-augmented-reality/
27 août 2009
BREAKING: Facebook For iPhone 3.0 Now In The App Store
Facebook 3.0 is populating the App Store now. Here's the link. There's really nothing more I can say about it here because you probably didn't read this far.
On the off chance you do despise Facebook and aren't installing it right now, here's a link to all the new features.
So what do you like about FB 3.0? What do you hate? Bugs?
Pillar Technology Announces Automated JUnit Test Solution for Java Code
The velocity of development teams using test-driven software development techniques improve by a significant margin when leveraging the automated capability of Verdé. Clients using the Verdé tool report a 70 percent reduction in the cost of manually produced JUnit code.
"Leveraging Verdé allows users to create a safety harness for users' existing applications,” said Gary Gentry, CEO of Pillar Technology. "Imagine the ability to make significant modifications to your code base with the comfort of knowing that your existing functionality isn't at risk.” Verdé measures and reports: Code Quality, Code Testability and Test Coverage (Cyclomatic Complexity, Injectability/Mockability). Verdé also provides a detailed actionable report with specific recommendations allowing a developer to improve the testability of the code. For more information, go to: http://pillartechnology.com/index.php/verde
From http://www.devagile.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=426
26 août 2009
Snaptu Packs Dozens of Social and Information Apps into a Phone-Friendly Platform [Downloads]
Java-enabled phones: Hate the interface on your phone when it comes to wrangling social sites like Facebook and Twitter? Wish the layout gave the info you wanted like movie times and weather? Snaptu is a java-based phone interface that does.
If you can run java applications on your phone you can run Snaptu. The application provides an iPhone-esque tiled interface with a variety of tools like a Facebook client, a weather checker, and an interface for Google calendar among over a dozen other tools.
The Snaptu interface is easy to navigate whether you're using a touch screen or directional pad—all of the menus are numbered and keypad friendly. Before downloading you can check out the catalog of applications on the Snaptu site and see what the interface and menus for various tools look like.
Snaptu is a free download and requires a mobile phone capable of running Java. Thanks Dirkhaim!
Super Macro Your Cellphone Camera With A DVD Lens
I'll admit, Super Macro Your Cell Phone Camera With A DVD Lens is one weird title.
However, if you just moved to a blu ray DVD player and you're looking for some good use for your old DVD, cnflikt (who also took the shots for this tutorial) came up with a hack to enable you to take super macro shots with your cellphone. Of course you'll need a camera phone for that. cnflikt uses the notorious, yet old-skooled K800i, but any camera phone will work here.
1. Lensectomy Your old DVD Player
First thing is to get a lens for your camera phone. Make sure your old DVD player is not connected to power. Then take the screws off. This is a great way to void your warranty. It is also dangerous and you should really never do this.
Anyhow, if you went against my advice, you'll find the lens under the place where the disk goes. Take it out.
2. Prepare A Lens Mount
Ok, I'm only kidding on this one. You don't really need a lens mount, you can use duct tape if you wanna go really ghetto or mount it on some cardboard.
If you opt for the cardboard option, just make a round hole in the cardboard.
3. Mount Your Lens
Just use some duct tape (as indicated before) to mount your lens directly, use or blue Tack to hold the card mount.
4. Macro Away
WOW. This is some powerful macro. Enjoy.
Gmail Adds a Contact Picker (C'est pas trop tôt!)
'Auto-complete is convenient and fast, and usually does the trick. But sometimes seeing your list of contacts can help you remember all the people you want to include on your email,' admits Google.
The wait is over and now you can finally use the contact picker in Gmail: just click on 'To' when you compose a message, select the contacts and click 'Done'.

Some of the cool things you can do using the contact picker:
* select contacts from one of your groups: just use the drop-down to choose from 'Friends', 'Family', 'Coworkers' and other groups.
* easily remove the contacts you've picked by just clicking on them.

* manually add email addresses by clicking on an empty space from the picker's 'to' box.
* if you've already typed some addresses in the 'to' box, the contact picker will include them when it launches.
* add all the results of a search by clicking on 'Select all'.
* the feature also works for 'cc' and 'bcc'.
25 août 2009
How to think like a Scrummy
Most people do not really think about design and designers, let alone think of themselves as designers. But what, if anything, can regular people — teachers, students, business people of all types — learn from designers and from thinking like a designer? And what of more specialized professions? Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? I believe there is.
Below are 10 things (plus a bonus tip) that I have learned over the years from designers, things that designers do or know that the rest of us can benefit from. When I speak around the world I often put up a slide that asks people to make as many sentences as they can beginning with the word "Designers...." The goal of this activity is to get people thinking about thinking about design, something most of us never do (it also gets people in the audience talking, loosening up a bit; always a good thing). The sentences they generate range from "Designers wear black" to "Designers use creativity and analysis to solve problems" to "Designers make things beautiful," and so on. (Click on the "Think like a designer" slide to see the 11 tips in slide format on Slideshare.net — feel free to use them if you like.)
These ten are broad and even a bit philosophical. Regardless of your profession, I hope there is an item or two that you can apply to your own work.
(1) Embrace constraints. Constraints and limitations are wonderful allies and lead to enhanced creativity and ingenious solutions that without constrains never would have been discovered or created. In the words of T.S. Eliot, "Given total freedom the work is likely to sprawl." There's no point complaining about constraints such as time, money, tools, etc. Your problem is what it is. How can you solve it given the resources and time that you have?
(2) Practice restraint. Any fool can be complicated and add more, it takes discipline of mind and strength of will to make the hard choices about what to include and what to exclude. The genius is often in what you omit or leave on the editing room floor.
(3) Adopt the beginner's mind. As the old saying goes, in the expert's mind there are few possibilities, but for one with the beginner's mind, the world is wide open. Designers understand the need to take risks, especially during early explorations of the problem. They are not afraid to break with convention. Good designers are open minded and comfortable with ambiguity early on in the process, this is how discoveries are made.
(4) Check your ego at the door. This is not about you, it's about them (your audience, customer, patient, student, etc.). Look at the problem from their point of view -- put yourself in their shoes. This is not easy, it takes great amounts of empathy. Get in touch with your empathetic side. Empathy — an under valued "soft skill," can be a great differentiator and is key for truly understanding a problem.
(5) Focus on the experience of the design. It's not the thing, it's theexperience of the thing. This is related to #4 above: Put yourself in their shoes. How do people interact with your solution? Remember that much of design has an emotional component, sometimes this is even the largest component (though users may be unaware of this). Do not neglect the emotional aspect of your solutions.
(6) Become a master storyteller. Often it's not only the design — i.e., the solution to a problem — that is important, but the story of it. This is related to #5 above. What's the meaning of the solution? Practice illustrating the significance of solutions both verbally and visually. Start with the general, zoom in to the detail, pull out again to remind us of the theme or key concept, then zoom back in to illuminate more of the detail.
(7) Think communication not decoration. Design — even graphic design — is not about beautification. Design is not just about aesthetics, though aesthetics are important. More than anything, design is about solving problems or making the current situation a little better than before. Design is not art, though there is art in design.
(8) Obsess about ideas not tools. Tools are important and necessary, but they come and go as better tools come along. Obsess instead about ideas. Though most tools are ephemeral, some of your best tools are a simple pencil and sketch pad. These are often the most useful — especially in the early stages of thinking — because they are the most direct. Good advice is to go analog in the beginning with the simplest tools possible.
(9) Clarify your intention. Design is about choices and intentions, it is not accidental. Design is about process. The end user will usually not notice "the design of it." It may seem like it just works, assuming they think about it at all, but this ease-of-use (or ease-of-understanding) is not by accident, it's a result of your careful choices and decisions.
(10) Sharpen your vision & curiosity and learn from the lessons around you. Good designers are skilled at noticing and observing. They are able to see both the big picture and the details of the world around them. Humans are natural pattern seekers; be mindful of this skill in yourself and in others. Design is a "whole brain" process. You are creative, practical, rational, analytic, empathetic, and passionate. Foster these aptitudes.
(11) Learn all the "rules" and know when and why to break them. Over the centuries, those who came before us have established useful and necessary guidelines — these are often called rules or laws and it's important to know them. Yet, unlike other kinds of laws, it may be acceptable to break them at times so long as you know why. Basic graphic design principles and rules are important and useful to know, yet most professionals today have a hole in their education when it comes to the fundamentals of graphic design. I'll try to do my little bit withthe next book to raise the design mindfulness and vocabulary of professionals who do not make a living in design per se, but who have a desire to get better.
This is not an exhaustive list (in fact, I started with about 25 items); there are many other things designers can teach us (and not only graphic designers as well). What is missing from this list? What would you add? Love to hear your ideas.
Checkout 16 Innovation Principles over at Metacool, Diego Rodriguez cool website (look on the right bar — good stuff here).
The 65 Most Annoying things about the Web Today
We’ve come a long way on the web today. Or have we? While we’ve innovated in many areas, we’ve also continued to disregard pre-existing issues. And in some cases, we have also created new ones. Here is my list of the top 65 most annoying things about the web today. They’re in no particular order, but I have organized them into what I consider core groups.
Poor Design
- Illegible text. I can’t read that, it’s too small. And what on earth is that font called?
- Busy backgrounds. Oh MySpace, why do you allow users to create profiles like that? My eyes hurt.
- Obscure links. I’m confused, can I click on that or not? Oh I get it, you don’t want me to view other pages.
- Flyouts that are too large. Holy crap Yahoo! This is a page within a flyout!
- Drop-down menu navigation too many levels deep. OK, if I slowly move my mouse this way first… dammit Jim, I’m a doctor not a magician!
- Complicated navigation. I just want to get to that page, the one over there! Oh I see, you want me to complete the maze first.
- Abused centerpieces. Aren’t centerpieces supposed to serve as mechanisms for promotion, rather than areas to cram an entire page’s worth of content into itself? Call me an idealist, I guess.
- Poor navigation labels. Give me a clue and use labels that make sense!
- Clutter & chaos. With no emphasis or information hierarchy, it’s difficult for me to know what to look at, and what to do next.
- Ugly WAPs. Many companies treat their WAP sites like a deformed step-child they keep in the basement.
- Splash screens. Nice, a road block between your user and your home page.
Unfindable Information
- Dysfunctional site search. (Sigh) Why didn’t this site just use Google?
- Too many blog categories. Isn’t this what tags were meant for?
- Contact info. I just want to speak to them on the phone! And when I say “them” i mean a human.
- Invisible sign in. OK, so I registered, but how do I sign in?
- Hidden account closure. I guess I’m a member for life now?
- Unscannable info. I want to quickly know if this article is relevant. But alas, huge paragraphs, long headlines and no subheadings make for an unscannable chunk of data, and an indigestible piece of gristle.
No Content Strategy
- No focus. Yada, yada, yada. Get to the point, what’s your message and what do you offer?
- Spelling & grammar. Spelling mistakes are hard to forgive and really hurt credibility.
- Ineffective product pages: What am I buying? Why should I buy this? Help me understand, and I’ll move down the purchase funnel!
- Outdated. There’s nothing more thrilling than seeing a blog frozen in time. At some point, a landfill for websites is going to be needed.
- Small photos. Why would I buy something I cannot see?
- Auto-playing home page video. Take note ESPN.com: the first thing I do when coming to your site is scramble to find the video pause button. And that’s when I’m surfing from home.
- Auto browser resizing. And you did that because?
- Customer service nags. Ironic really. Chat pop-ups appear like genies out of a lamp when I don’t need them.
- Theme tunes. Got to love that auto-play music, especially when it cycles over and over and over, and over.
- Auto opt-ins. It seems like an automatic opt-in is a contradiction in terms to me. No I don’t want your newsletter, and if I did, I’d opt-in.
Evil Forms
- Unreadable captchas. Pure Evil. If I had a brick, why I would…
- Too many fields. This is utterly exhausting. Oh forget it, I’m going to abandon this form.
- Cryptic error messaging. OK, so I made a mistake. If you used English, I might be able to fix it.
- No confirmation. Was I successful or not? I’m looking for anything here, a “thank-you”, a “job well done”, a “good boy”… anything that confirms the form was indeed a submitted form.
- Too many constraints. I want to add my Canadian zip code, but you’re validating against the US format only!
- Too small fields. How I’m supposed to enter my street address in that state-sized field?
- The reset button. Do we really need this? I especially love it when I accidentally press “reset” instead of “submit”. It’s especially satisfying when it’s a long form.
Intrusive Advertising
- Pop-ups. And that includes those fancy, flashy, moving, hard-to-close ones. Are you serious? This is 2009.
- Interstitials. Thanks for adding another click and creating a barrier between me and your content! Give me a reason to leave, I dare you.
- Flyouts via links in content. Oh darn, I didn’t know that was an ad! Thanks for punishing me.
- Too many Google ads. I know there’s some content around here….
- Long video pre-rolls. Is this ad ever going to end? Hang on; I forgot what video I clicked on.
- The bus stop. Home pages that resemble bus stops — flyers, posters, graffiti all shouting at me. Sometimes, I swear I can even smell urine.
- Remembering user names and passwords. Seriously, how many do I need to keep track of? Just give me Facebook connect already!
- Being forced to register for purchases. I just want to buy it, OK? Forget it, I’m going elsewhere.
- Forced password reset. I just want to know my password! The one I chose but have forgotten. I know you know.
- Getting locked out. I get the three-attempts-and-you’re-out idea, but it would be nice to know the rules before hand!
- Password sent by “snail mail”. I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry. Should I expect a scroll to be delivered and read by a messenger?
- Spam. We still cannot cure this disease?
- Viruses. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I’d say the anti-virus companies were creating these. You know, supply and demand and all.
- Phishing. Particularly sneaky; and definitely a step beyond annoying.
- Trolls on messageboards/blogs. Oh well, that’s life I guess – art imitating life and all.
- Fake profiles. Am I following the real Steven Hawking on Twitter? It says here he went bowling last night.
- Facebook app invitations. For the thousandth time, no I do not want to play Mob Wars, and no I don’t want a “pet in an egg” either.
- Explorer 6. I speak for all developers here, if there’s a plug attached, please pull it. RIP Explorer 6.
- Plug-ins. Not only do I have to download another plug-in, I have to keep these things current!
- Entire sites built in flash. I don’t get it, why?
- PDF overuse. Why couldn’t this PDF just be a web page?
- Dell’s Netbook trackpad. Designed to be web browsing device, Dell’s Mini 10 trackpad has a trillion bells and whistles, but cannot fulfill basic tasks like moving the cursor from point A to point B without going to C first.
- Small netbook screens. While mobile devices have optimized views for their screens, Netbooks and their 9 and 10 inch screens are caught in a weird place.
- Inconsistent colors. Optimizing colors and contrast across both Macs and PCs is a designers nightmare.
- Charging for Wi-Fi. Provide it free of charge, and the patrons will come!
- Slow page load. OK that’s it, I’ve been patient and their 3 seconds are up.
- Comment approval. I thought, I articulated, I commented, I waited. Nothing. That will teach me to contribute.
- Black-hole between ordering and shipping. I took me 5 minutes to order this laptop, why isn’t it getting shipped? Should I place my order again? Should I cancel this order? What’s the order status?
- Twitter is down again. I’m starting to think this is a feature. One akin to a long line outside a trendy night club.
- Customer service. Since I cannot get a human on the phone, a 24 hour response time to my e-mail is not acceptable. Well look at that, I guess you just quantified the value of my business.
- Submission timers. I saw this really great article! I know, I’ll post it on Reddit. And there’s another one, I’ll post that on Reddit too. What, I have to wait 10 minutes to post another article? That will teach me to contribute.
Agile Software Project Management – Secure Funding and Deliver Value
Some of these factors might include:
- Business Case – including NPV, ROI and IRR
- Risk
- Capacity
- Dependencies
Business Case
The first question you need to ask is – Why do I want to do make this investment?
These questions and answers will more often than not be raised and answered by the Product Owner, however the Product Manager will play an active role in contributing to this investigation.
This may be for a number of reasons e.g.
- Return on Investment (”ROI”) – it will deliver a financial return
- Strategic investment - it will help to protect your market position
- Compliance - it will ensure you stay within the law
Although ROI can be measured in terms of financial gain, a Strategic/Compliance – lead investment may be justified and/or measured through Opportunity Cost i.e. the cost of not making this investment (v.s. an alternative course of action that may include doing nothing at all).
There may also be intangible benefits delivered through making an investment – e.g. stakeholder satisfaction. In these cases it’s best to use proxy measurements to provide some indication of return e.g. if my stakeholder is satisfied, he/she will purchase more, which will in turn lead to a financial Return on Investment.
Return on Investment and Internal Rate of Return
In the event you need to secure investment to fund this development – you may be asked to model the return using an ROI/IRR model.
IRR stands for Internal Rate of Return. The IRR, measured in % return p/a, is essentially equal to the (annualized) interest rate a bank would have to pay you to match the performance of your portfolio – so if the bank interest rate is 2% and you’re forecasting a 12% return, you’re doing well.
Net Present Value and Cost
With that said, you can’t look at IRR alone – you also need to consider Net Present Value i.e. the value of the investment once you’ve taken all of the costs (including opportunity cost) into consideration. NPV is measured as a number (hopefully) between 0 and 1.
Wikipedia offers a good summary of NPV:
If… | It means… | Then… |
NPV > 0 | the investment would add value to the firm | the project may be accepted |
NPV <> | the investment would subtract value from the firm | the project should be rejected |
NPV = 0 | the investment would neither gain nor lose value for the firm | We should be indifferent in the decision whether to accept or reject the project. This project adds no monetary value. Decision should be based on other criteria, e.g. strategic positioning or other factors not explicitly included in the calculation. |
Return on Investment Model
Here’s a sample ROI model that I just pulled together (and before you ask – yes, it’s totally fictitious!).:)
You will notice that there are three distinct input areas:
- What are the costs associated with delivering the asset?
- What are the benefits (revenue) that will be realised as a direct result of making this investment?
- What are the additional costs associated with realising this return e.g. maintenance/support/cost of sale
The outputs are:
- Payback years - the number of years it will take to break even
- IRR 5 years - in this example, we’re interested in the percentage return over 5 years
- NPV – the value of the investment
Risk – Risk vs. Value Matrix
Once you’ve calculated the potential Net value that could/would be created by proceeding with this investment, we need to consider the Risk involved in delivering the value.
For more information about Risk, see: Agile Risk Management for Projects and Programmes.
The golden ticked is clearly a High Value, Low Cost, Low Risk opportunity.
One good way to represent the relative relationships between NPV and Risk is via a Risk vs. Value Matrix.

Risk vs. Value Matrix
In its simplest form – this asks the question – “do you have what it takes to get the job done?”
Do you have the capital required to kick-off the project? It may be that you only need a fraction of the total project cost to deliver the end value (see: Self-Funding Projects – a Benefit of Agile Software Development).
Do you have the human resource required to deliver the project e.g. headcount and/or skills?What about additional hardware to cope with growth (?) or the operational budget to support the ongoing maintenanceoverhead?
In short, your capacity to deliver this value will no doubt impact your ability to deliver the value and the timescales you’ll need to work to.
It’s important to point out that these (capacity) costs will have been factored into your initial ROI/IRR/NPV calculations. Depending on the risk involved, a funding board may or may not be prepared to commit to the initial and ongoing investment.
Are you able to deliver multiple projects or requirements in parallel or do you need to deliver them consecutively? It may be that you have sufficient funding to hire additional resource.
Project/Product dependencies may impact cost, risk, value or timescales. These must also be taken into consideration when defining a delivery plan and deciding on whether or not to request or grant funding.
Some (of the hundreds of) questions you might ask yourself include:
- Do you have sufficient resource to deliver the project?
- How long would it take to hire additional resource? And get ‘up to speed’?
- Are you able to deliver multiple elements or projects in parallel?
- What’s the net impact of dedicating your available resource to this project e.g. on Business As Usual or on Other projects?
- Are there any industry/business milestones driving these priorities?
- Is this project dependent upon the completion of another project or part of a project?
- Does this project need to be delivered by a certain date in order achieve its value?
- What is the impact of not delivering this project before or after another project?
Read more about Agile Financial Planning
Original article from http://agile101.net/2009/08/25/agile-software-project-management-secure-funding-and-deliver-value