30 août 2009

Fido Says Which Add-Ons You Can And Cannot Have

Fido Says Which Add-Ons You Can And Cannot Have: "
And for your viewing pleasure I have yet another wireless carrier blunder. However, this time it is from Fido…but wait, Rogers owns Fido, so that means we blame Rogers for this! (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)


Fido Says…”Sit Customer”

This one is juicy.

According to the Terms of Use for Fido monthly wireless plan add-ons, it is stated that certain add-ons (things like long distance, incoming calls) cannot be added to a Fido account if that plan was activated before November 4, 2008.

11. Cannot be added to monthly plans offered before November 4, 2008.

This caveat has been quite unnoticed until recently.

In other words, if you have a Fido account and your Fido wireless plan is from before November 4, 2008, then you are not allowed to add certain wireless add-ons to your account.

What could be the reason for this?

The reason is most certainly that most older plans are better than current plans (in terms of dollars to minutes; not good for Fido) and if you want these add-ons, you are going to have to change your current price plan to a plan that is available today. So if you have the KILLER CityFido plan from way back when, or any other plan pre-November 4, 2008, you cannot have the following add-ons:

  • 50 minutes outside CityFido zone ($5/mth)

  • Unlimited Incoming Calls ($12/mth)

  • 25 minutes Canadian Long Distance ($5/mth)

  • Unlimited Canadian Long Distance ($20/mth)

  • Unlimited North American Long Distance ($30/mth)

  • Up to 70% off International Long Distance ($5/mth)


There are hundreds of people that could benefit from reduced Long Distance fees with a Long Distance add-on and even thousands more could benefit from Unlimited Incoming Calls. But Fido says Nay! How to beat this? Install Skype on your iPhone to call unlimited long distance in Canada/USA for $3/month!

And this is great news (read: sarcasm) that goes along nicely with the recent change in your Local Calling Area.

Fido may not charge a System Access Fee or have long contract lengths, but they will get you somehow! Afterall, Fido’s big Brother is Rogers.

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