28 août 2009

Easter Egg In Yelp Application Activates Augmented Reality (3GS Only)

yelp-logoAugmented Reality was not meant to hit the iPhone 3GS until at least the release of iPhone OS 3.1. Augmented reality uses your iPhone’s camera, GPS, and compass to show virtual items in the real world. Now Yelp comes with an application that can show information ofrestaurants etc. but the beauty is there’s an easter egg called Monocle. This features enables you to use Augmented Reality.
The easter egg can be activated by shaking the iPhone 3 times. Then a button called ‘Monocle’ will appear. Click on the button and voila the Augmented Reality  can be seen.
“Download the new Yelp app. So you shake your iPhone 3 times. That activates a feature called Monocle. A message should come up if you activated it. A blue box will come up saying “the Monocle has been activated.” It will create a button in the top right corner. Now you should be able to look at the bars, restaurants, etc. Only works on iPhone 3GS.”
163835-monocle2 163834-monocle

From http://iphonefreakz.com/2009/08/28/easter-egg-in-yelp-application-activates-augmented-reality/

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

Et ça fonctionne :)

Navré pour la plèbe qui n'a pas de 3GS.

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